Cashmere throws, shawls, weightless blankets in all colors shades..
here’re some examples of about thirty available colors.
200 x 100 cm, weight 150 grams.
Top quality Pashmina, the best of India
that cannot be found in Italy.
Here’s a burgundy shade.
The yarn for weaving Kashmiri shawls comes from
the fleece of a Central Asian mountain goat, the Hircus goat,
which lives at 4,000 meters.
Here’s a shade of ocher yellow.
Carded and combed by hand, they are made with such skill that make them comparable to the forbidden shahtush, both for warmth, touch, and because they easily pass through a ring due to their impalpable softness, therefore they are called “ring shawls “.
Here’s a purple shade.
Here another example of the thirty available colors for these pashmina shawls, in lilac shade.